
  • 1 kg of flour 00
  • 30 gr  of salt
  • 30 dl of dry white wine
  • 25 dl of extra virgin olive oil

Work together the flour, the wine, the oil and the table salt till you obtain an elastic and homogeneous dhoug.

Let it rest covered with a cloth for 20 minutes in a place not too cold.

In a big pot boil some water adding 1 tablespoon full of salt..

Make now taralli getting from the dhough some small sticks 8-10 centimetres long and of 1 centimetre of diameter: close them on their selves placing on the tops of the two ends and pressing them with a finger in order to seal them.

Take 10 at a time and put them in the boiling water and pull them again helping yourself with a skimmer as soon as they come on the surface.

Put them on a cloth, one next to the other, draining for a few minutes.

Grease a tin and put in it taralli without letting them touch on.

Put the tin in the oven(already switched on at 200º C) and let taralli cooking for 40 minutes

(they should became of a light brown).

If you want you can flavour them: you can add, during the  kneding, one of these ingredients: seeds of fennel, sesame chilly pepper, oregano, scales of dry onion. 5 or 6 gr of spices will be enough for 1 kg of dhough.

Recipe recipes italian apulia apulian food cuisine

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